literacyworks Workplce ESL-logo.png

It is our mission to provide these workplace ESL literacy services to make a positive impact on the educational, social and economic well-being of the members of our community.

The Literacyworks Workplace ESL Program is designed to partner with local businesses to provide strategic English language learning instruction at the workplace. Our professional staff work with employees and management using a customized, outcomes-based approach to teaching that utilizes best-practices. Our instructors use workplace resources which incorporates company culture, procedures, and systems into the language learning process.   The program focuses on development of language skills for communication, team-building, problem-solving and providing avenues for improvement.


Our program delivers improvements in the following areas:

•    Better Communication
•    Improved Safety
•    Increased Productivity
•    Better Customer service
•    Cultural awareness and workplace concepts
•    Workplace relationships and interpersonal skills
•    Employee morale, self-confidence, and perceived value
•    Employee retention and advancement
•    Employee involvement and contributions to the company
•    Employee understanding of individual workplace role, decision-making, and agency
•    Employee educational or vocational pursuits

Our expert ESL teacher provides quality, on-site classes that are convenient for employees and relevant to the workplace.

Step 1:  Implement Needs Analysis
Step 2:  Identify Program Goals/Desired Outcomes
Step 3:  Assess English skills and workplace goals of students
Step 4:  Design curriculum and instructional strategies
Step 5:  Assess student progress

For information, contact:

Paul Heavenridge
Executive Director
625 Second Street
Suite 107
Petaluma, CA 94952
CELL: (510) 206-9994
PHONE: (707)  981-8086