
Assessment Basics for Adult Education
Participants explore the benefits and limitations of different types of assessment; quality in test design and administration; developing assessments for the classroom; and aligning student goals, curriculum, and assessment.

Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles
Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles (ASRP) provides research-based assessment strategies to improve reading instruction for Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Adult Secondary Education (ASE) learners. ASRP provides many resources for the practitioner including diagnostic and other types of assessments, accompanied by suggestions for instruction. This workshop explores the tools on the ASRP Web site.

Teaching Adults to Read: Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles
This session introduces, demonstrates, and provides practice in using the Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles Web site, supported by LINCS and built on NCSALL’s Adult Reading Components Study. Participants learn how to navigate the Web site and use the Match-an-ASRP-Profile feature to access reading profiles that they can use to assess their individual students' reading strengths and weaknesses and target instructional needs. In this hands-on session, participants review the research and assessment tools and learn how to use the site and the profiles to plan reading instruction for individuals and groups of students in the classroom setting.

Career Pathways

Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators    
As students strive to meet the demands of the 21st century, they are increasingly expected to master employability skills in addition to traditional academic skills. Integrating Employability Skills: A Framework for All Educators is a Professional Learning Module to support regional comprehensive centers, state educational agency staff, and state regional centers in building their knowledge and capacity to integrate and prioritize employability skills at the state and local levels. The module introduces participants to the Employability Skills Framework and explains why it is important for all students; connects employability skills with other education initiatives; and provides tools and strategies to prioritize employability skills at the state, employer, district, and individual teacher levels.

College and Career Awareness

First Steps in Preparing for College-Level Math: Math Strategies for Success The training supports participants in gaining instructional strategies that build on conceptual understanding and strengthen the mathematical foundation that adult learners will need to succeed in higher-level mathematics. This training builds on the First Steps in Preparing for College-Level Math: Using Soft Skills for Success training.

First Steps in Preparing for College-Level Math: Using Soft Skills for Success  The training supports participants in gaining skills and strategies for teaching “soft skills” to adult learners. The soft skills and strategies selected are specific to skills which are necessary for success in the college-level math classroom. This training is the foundation for the First Steps in Preparing for College-Level Math: Math Strategies for Success.

Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom Study Circle   This study circle introduces practitioners to the career planning lessons and tools contained in the Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom (ICA) curriculum guide and other career planning resources.

Study Circle on Preparing Adults for College  
During this study circle, local practitioners will examine strategies and resources in the Adult College Completion Toolkit and discuss their application to their situations and think about activities to encourage and support students transitioning to college.

Study Circle on Self-Determination    
During this study circle, participants will examine self-determination theory and discuss its application to their situations and think about activities and practices for promoting self-determination with their students as they persist in adult education and plan for transitions.


Reentry Education Framework and Online Tool Kit Training
This session will provide an overview of the U.S. Department of Education’s Reentry Education Framework and online Tool Kit, which are designed to help correctional education providers create a seamless path for their students by connecting education services offered in correctional facilities with those in the community.

Corrections Education